viernes, 27 de abril de 2007

It's hard being pioneers...

So tomorrow makes one full month that we've been here...Can you believe it!

No bug scares since the other night, thank God. Today we bought more Mata Todo- the bug spray we've been using- and we plan on self-fumigating again tomorrow, or Sunday- or sometime soon- I don't really know when. We've been seeing some little tiny baby roaches, like ant-size and that makes us nervous that they will soon be giant roaches and take over our house (cause I gotta say, we wouldn't put up much of a fight against them)

Yesterday we lost power around two o'clock, luckily I had already taken a shower. However, Amber hadn't so she had to take a nice cold one...The power stayed off until after we left for class last night so there's no telling how long it was off. During our taxi ride to the school we heard them saying on the radio that they were shutting off power in different parts of the city to work on it and it would only be off for a few hours at a time. We did have power at the school but they did inform us that we would be having class regardless (of if we had it or not)- which was hard for Amber and I to understand because each class only has one candle and no candle holder. So we'd have to walk around with the candle during the instruction time and hold it over their papers so they could write and next to the board so they could read, etc...while hot wax dripped down our hands...We just don't think that was a good plan. But fortunatelty we didn't have to worry about it cause we had power all night.

This morning when we woke up we were powerless again though. It went out sometime before 10 and was out until about 3:30. This was especially sad for me because I have missed Lola (my novela) for the past couple days and when I start working next week I'll never get to watch it. But I did get to see the last half of it today, so that was nice. We also cooked on the gas burners which is never fun. Amber screamed cause the flames were engulfing her pan (my friend on the phone asked if she had seen a roach since she was screaming) then when I used it I burned my hand in two places. It's hard being pioneers...

Well since the power was out for so long today we did absolutely nothing. We cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom, went to Pali and watched a lot of 'Friends' (thank you Corey Devereaux...did I spell that right? I'm going from memory here) And you know what...I decided, and I think Amber would agree with me, that all tile floor is a really bad idea. It's impossible to ever keep it clean. Plus the tile in the bathroom is white so it just always looks dirty. I don't know what to do anymore and it drives me crazy!

But, sadly enough, that about sums it up! =) I'm sure we'll have some better stories once we start working (hopefully) and have real lives- right now we're just like highschool freshman on summer vacation without a car to go do anything....

PS- I just realized if you click on the photos you can see them in full know since some of them are so small...

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