sábado, 31 de marzo de 2007


OK, so it's obvious that I made it here safely...otherwise I wouldn't be writing this. The house is great, a little bigger than expected and almost fully furnished. By almost I mean that we have one pot, one pan and a few plates and mugs. We went shopping and bought some mixing spoons and a spatula. Everything else is here like they said...
We hadn't eaten a real meal until yesterday while we were downtown and we had Wendy's- a good welcome to Costa Rica meal =) Up until then all we had eaten were crackers and some cookies. We bought food to cook but haven't taken the time to do it. Plus the beans we bought are gonna take hours to cook and we haven't had the desire to do it.
Location: Right next to our house is a grocery store, Pali, it is cheaper than most grocey stores and recently has been bought out by WalMart. I guess WalMart has done that to several chains in Central America. Across the street is a pharmacy and a bakery, but we haven't been there yet.
Wondering why the title was 'Roaches!'? Well I'll tell you. The other night I was really hungry so I thought, I'll make some toast. And our toaster was really ghetto so you had to hold the handle down the whole time it was toasting (but i found a plastic fork that we can stick in it to hold it down now). Anyway- so I went in and turned on the light and went over to the toaster to plug it in. Well the cord wouldn't reach all the way so I had to move the toaster. I thought that I saw something next to the toaster but didn't think twice about it and went to move it. Well when I slid the toaster down a roach went running down the counter and down into a crack between the sink and the counter. I was screaming and Amber was in the bedroom worried that I was being attacked by someone, or something....we haven't seen the roach since, but now we know it's here. Our friend Randall said he would come spray the house so that all the bugs would die. We would really appreciate that.
Randall brought us some watermelon yesterday and when we set it on the counter ants were immediately on it. But Amber was such a trooper and ate the ant anyway...something we're gonna have to get used to doing beacause the ants are CRAZY here.
Amber got a coffee pot from Randall and she was cleaning it out by running water and vinegar through it and she ran it through twice, then all of a sudden it quit working. But Amber really wanted coffee so we boiled water on the stove and poured it into the filter and let it drain into a pitcher so that she could have it. Then after all that she didn't like the creamer she bought to put in it so didn't finish it haha...
This week is Holy Week, so we'll be heading off to Guanacaste in the North to spend the week with some of Amber's friends. Right now we're having a hard time gettingbus tickets because of the holiday so we may not actually get to go, but we're packed and ready! I hope we can go though because everything here will be closed and that would not be fun for us...
Ok well I hope this blog thing works!

16 comentarios:

Mom and Dad dijo...

hey got your commment and signed up too, tell Amber hello and we love you!!

Mom and Dad dijo...

hey I can read this, thought I would try responding, tell Amber hello!!

Corey Devereaux dijo...

AWESOME! Plenty of protein in Costa Rica... What is Holy Week all about?

Karis dijo...


Hey, I'm glad you have this. Now it'll be easier to stay in touch.

Love you back!

Algane dijo...

Very good to know how all are going, hoping you'll write in Spanish soon!!!


Patty dijo...

That is only funny because it is you and not me.

Love you,

Aaron dijo...

So I imagine the next update will be after your "vacation"...We won our game last night. It was a good one, it got pretty heated and some of the other team were kind of jerks but we won and thats all that matters. Love ya

tiffany dijo...

I LOVE YOU!!!! I hate bugs. I am so sorry you have to live with them. I had my share last semester at that apartment me and kate lived in....ugh! Have fun though but not too much....you need to find a job missy!

Sara Britt dijo...

Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter...

I am hoping this will keep everyone updated...

(Edu)No puedo escribir en espanol porque mi familia no puede leerlo...

I'm so glad we won the game! I'm surprised you guys pulled it off without me =)

And yes, I HATE bugs...

Sara Britt dijo...

Corey...what about protein?

Unknown dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Unknown dijo...

cockroaches = protein

I actually wondered if you might describe a little more in detail about Holy Week. What types of thing they do there. You sort of did in the following blog.. Have a great day Sara! Get some sleep.

Patty dijo...

It is so fun to read your Blogs. Now I know some things to send to you when we can. Mary goes off to Tenn. July 16-21! Pray for her. Everyone says it is so awesome to go!

Love the pictures but still glad it is you and not me!

Love you Sara,
Patty and Mary

Anónimo dijo...

I love your hair! And the curtains are very creative . . . !

Love, Nina

Anónimo dijo...

Sara, did you get bruises from the accident? What happened? Your visa trip didn't seem as stressful (other than the accident) as last time. How many more times will you have to do that? Did you take the same bus? Looking forward to seeing you soon! Love, Nina

Anónimo dijo...

Wow! It was so great to read your new blog - my last email to you came back as undeliverable, but Derek assured me you were ok. See you soon! Love Nina