lunes, 27 de agosto de 2007

What do you think?

Rob & Laura Epps said this was my twin from New Jersey and that it freaks them out...what do you think? I dont really see it (I think the red hair makes it really hard for me)

Well, I think I have to quit eating at McDonald's, today they offered me a 'Cliente Frecuente' (or a frequent buyer's card)...
that's embarassing (they also know what combo I order and that I drink orage Fanta)

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2007

some more pictures

Amber at her work station...
Me in the hallway at work...
A view of the office from Amber's desk (apparently we were the only ones there)

Well the hot water quit working in the shower...but today we're in the process of getting it fixed (without the help of the 'duena' of course), so we'll see...

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2007

Another day at Office Depot

Hey...Here's our Team Leads and Managers at work...Doesn't our job look fun!!!

Apparently it was dress your boss day...My team lead was the only one not pictured cause we are the only team who didn't bring anything in for sad. Ambers TL is the woman in the witches hat. The big baby in the middle is our overall manager Rico and the guy in front of him with the huge wig is Miguel, the overall boss of the floor- I think, I don't really know what his job is but I think we're all supposed to be scared of him.

This is Diego, he was our first TL...His team won the contest and now they get free lunch on Friday...the office is always doing "crazy" stuff like this to make us enjoy our jobs...sometimes it almost works....

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2007

Nueva Entrada

Some funny things I've said recently in Spanish:
  • Theres not alot of pans in the ocean (instead of waves)
  • I think its crying outside (instead of raining)
  • My niece and I went to the zoo and ate the baby giraffes, it was so fun (instead of fed them) (this one was my favorite, I couldn't stop laughing)
I had the rudest customer the other day. She kept interrupting everything I was saying to the point where I said, "Would you like me to fix this for you?" and her saying "Ohhh now you've got an attitude, are you saying you won't fix this for me. Just tell me when it's coming" and I said "I've tried to tell you three times that its coming on Monday if you'd just stop and listen to me." Then she demanded me to put my supervisor on the phone. I did and she told him how I had such a HUGE attitude and I shouldn't even work for Office Depot. When my supervisor got off the phone he said, "Dont worry. I dont believe her. You never score less than a 5-5 on your customer surveys and you're a great agent." I thought it was funny that he didn't even think twice about what the customer told him about me.
Speaking of work I'm starting a new schedule too, yay. I'll work 10:30 to 5m and can come in early in day I want. It'll be great! Today was Mother's Day here. We got double pay for working AND they gave us all a bag of chocolates (and flowers for the mothers). It was another good day at work (besides the fact that I took 60 calls)
The other day on the way to work I saw an EMT doing CPR on a man in the middle of the street. It was really sad.
We've had two earthquake tremors in the last couple weeks, it kind of makes me nervous- you know, working on the 7th floor next to the window.
I went to a "general council" or a sort of assembly thing for the Jehovah's Witnesses. I thought it would be educational but I couldn't understand most of what was going on and was completely lost during the drama. Mostly what I understood is that there are 7 million of them in the religion and there were alot of them killed recently in Georgia (the country not the state) for what they believe. I was told they are the only religion hated and not accepted by the world, I think Christians from all religion are killed everyday for what they belive. Oh and I'm so glad we have music like we do at Calvary Temple- the Disney orchestra music from hymnals was a little hard to take.
I have work email now that I can use during the day. Ive been using it mostly with Amber, my mom, Kate and now Derek. Its really great. I'm pretty sure it's or it's possibly I dont ever remember. But write me and we'll find out!
A special thanks goes out to Corey Devereaux...I just finished Season 10. Oh how great it was. I told you Corey, it's the gift that keeps on giving...
I have really come to love the people that fall asleep on the bus =) They provide so much entertainment and they don't even realize it.
Hey, if you haven't heard...I'm coming home for a visit!!! I'm very honored to be able to attend the wedding of one of my best friends: Jessica Williams. I am so excited! I'll get home Wednesday in the evening, Thursdays the bachelorette party (really sad that I'll probably miss Flashpoint), Friday I'll see my Grandmas and help out at the church if needed- Saturdays the wedding, Sunday is church- (can't wait to see all my friends and students!) and then Monday morning I leave again...But I can't wait!
When I come home can I please have some chips and dip, donuts and most importantly a gallon of milk????